Our Artists
Explore the creatives who make our shows great.
Our art fairs feature a diverse range of more than 130+ artists and craftspeople from around the Badger state. Our artists create in multiple mediums, and entice onlookers with their craftsmanship and skill in their mediums.​
Many of our artists are members of WAAC and contribute to growing the footprint of our non-profit around the state. Learn more about becoming a member below.​

Current WAAC Artists
Name - Medium - Website
Max Andersen | Wood | maxrxn.wordpress.com
Jean Anderson | Mixed 3D | Artbyanderson.net
Matthew Andrzejewski | Wood | nakomahardwoods.com
Tracy Anen | Wood | arborhavenhome.com
Jennifer Angelo | Fiber | jangelo.com
Jeffrey A. Raasch | Ceramics | jefraasch.net
Jay Arpin | Graphics |
Amy Austin | Painting | amyaustinartwork.com
Susan Baez | Jewelry | nindedesignsbaez.net
Stephanie Barenz | Mixed 2D | stephaniebarenz.com
Gary Barone | Wood |
Chuck Bauer | Painting | ctbauer.com
Steven Baughman | Painting | spindriftart.blogspot.com
Ari Bault | Jewelry | arisartifacts.com
Wendy Baumann | Jewelry | wtbjewelry.com
Mildred Bautista | Graphics | divinecreationsstore.com
Roger Becker | Mixed 3D & Wood | rogertbecker.myportfolio.com
Lezlie Blanton | Fiber |
Mark Bogatitus | Wood | BogieDesigns.com
Melissa Bossenbroek | Graphics | melissahelene.com
Nick Bossenbroek | Photography | nickbossenbroek.com
John Bowers | Ceramics |
Darrel Bowman | Ceramics |
Adrienne Brebrick | Ceramics | acepottery.com
Liba Brent | Mixed 3D | avantlamps.com
Lisa Brobst | Wood | squareonedesign.biz
Danielle Brown | Honorary |
Robin Brown | Jewelry |
Sylvia Brueckert | Ceramics & Graphics | sylvia-bee.square.site
Kannika Brueske | Jewelry | Origamibykannika.com
Alyssa Burke | Fiber | etsy.com/shop/SongbirdSpirals
Danielle Burrows | Ceramics | eucalyptusandcompany.com
Dawn Buss | Jewelry | creeamcityliving.com/creations
Cynthia Bye | Fiber | silverneststudio.com
Jackie Caprioli | Jewelry | distinctionartisan.com
Amy Carani | Painting | amysquarepaints.com
Francesco Carra | Ceramics | carraterra.com
Tim Carter | Wood | tims-treasures.com
Lynn Casper | Mixed 2D | LynnCasperFineArt.com
Sharon Cherney | Fiber |
Rachel Christopoulos | Painting | rachelsshoppe.com
Carleen Church | Fiber | etsy.com/shop/acottagequiltershop
Stephanie Ciaglo | Fiber | rockpaperscissorsetc.com
Heidi Clayton | Ceramics | centergroundstudios.com
Theresa Cleven | Jewelry | topajjewelry.com
Roberta Condon | Fiber | robertacondon.com
Richard Cooley | Sculpture | sparkplugguy.com
Pamela Cooper | Ceramics | Muddyinspirations.etsy.com
Rachel Cordasco | Fiber | sfintranslation.com/?page_id=11911
Amanda Cousins Hennessy | Jewelry | metaluxejewelry.com
Laura Crain | Fiber | houseofcrain.com
Michael Croatt | Photography | driftlessNights.com
Vincent Cryns | Painting |
Jessica Curning-Kuenzi | Jewelry & Photography | curningphoto.com
Tyler David | Wood |
Kristin Davis | Mixed 3D | hillvalleyworkshop.com
Jennifer Day | Painting | jendayart.com
Jack Debertin | Wood | upthehillwoodworks.com
Ron Diamond | Wood |
Barbara Dickmann | Ceramics | studio6artists.com/art-dickmann.s
Jeffrey Dins | Jewelry | dinsdesigns.ETSY.com
Brooklyn Doby | Painting | bdenaeartistry.com
Rebecca Dodson | Painting | rebeccadodsonart.com
F. Paul Dominguez | Graphics | jennihopfinger.com
Lizbeth Doran | Jewelry | etsy.com/shop/LizbethDesignLLC
Rebecca Driscoll | Painting | rgavneydriscoll.com
Rod Dubbs | Sculpture |
Stacy Duffy | Jewelry | greatlakesglassdesigns.com
Charlotte Easterling | Digital Media | creativevixendesign.com
Desiree Edge | Digital Media | etsy.com/shop/DesArtDesigns
Ken Englebert | Wood |
Kaitlin Esche-Lyon | Fiber | quarterlifeleap.com
Donald Esser | Sculpture | steelwoolstudio.com
Leah Evans | Fiber | leahevanstextiles.com
Bruce Faanes | Photography | bfaanesphotos.com
Monika Fairchild | Jewelry | monikafairchild.com
Karen Faller | Mixed 2D | wanderingwaters.net/
Wilfred Fang | Mixed 2D |
Wayne Farra | Jewelry |
Tim Feathers | Photography | whisperingpoint.com
Mark Ferguson | Jewelry |
Kati Fernandez Lambert | Mixed 2D | coyotefirearts.com
Toril Fisher | Painting | torilart.com
Jennifer Flaten | Jewelry | dragonandbutterflydesign.com
Jane Foos | Fiber |
Linda Franzblau | Jewelry | Blendoriginals.Squarespace.com
Nate Freberg | Wood | NateFrebergWoodshop.com
Gregory Frederic | Painting | crewlart.com
Jessie Fritsch | Painting | jessiefritsch.com
John Froehle | Wood |
Sharon Fujimoto | Glass | fujimotoglass.com
Susan Galkowski | Fiber |
Ludmilla Gancova | Fiber |
Amber Gavin | Ceramics | forwardpottery.com
Thomas Geis | Painting |
BJ Gentilli | Wood | arterialwooddesigns.com
Sandra Gerry | Sculpture |
Steve Gerry | Sculpture |
Barbara Geurink | Fiber | hotofftheloom.com
Janice Gilkey | Painting | gilkeyart.com
Jamison Glisczinski | Sculpture | jamisonstudiosllc.com
Diane Goetz | Jewelry | jazzsnap.com
Katie Gohsman | Painting | evelynjamesart.com
Diane Gonzalez | Jewelry |
Emily Graf | Fiber | thesheepishewe.com
Connie Graham | Mixed 2D |
Kelli Greentree | Painting | ArtByKelli.net
Suzi Janowiak | Jewelry |
Chris Jensen | Jewelry | c3-designs.com
Bruce Johnson | Ceramics | brucejohnsonclaystudio.com
Herb Johnson | Sculpture | hjmetalsmith.blogspot.com
Kathleen Johnson | Fiber | kathleenjohnsonquilts.com
Kathryn Johnson | Jewelry | risewithease.com
Mary Ellen Johnson | Fiber |
Rachel Johnson | rayjondesign.com
Sue Johnson | Painting | suejohnsonfineart.com
Joseph Kalies | Wood |
William Kaufmann | Ceramics | lindenhillspottery.com
Chris Keaton | Ceramics |
Stephen Kennedy | Digital Media | latlong.shop
Joe Kiefer | Painting | joekiefer.com
Jason Kiley | Ceramics | oneeyedcatcarfts.com
Sasha Kinens | Painting | sashakinens.com
Kathy King | Ceramics | kathykingpotterpainter.com
Christina King Ziegler | Jewelry |
Ivy Klarer | Jewelry |
Paul Klein | Mixed 3D | newhopeinwood.com
Jack Kloppenburg | Painting |
Annette Knapstein | Photography | annetteknapstein.com
Christine Knecht | Mixed 2D |
Jordin Kniess | Wood | timelessengravingco.com
Susan Koehler | Ceramics |
Hallie Kohn | Painting | halliekohnart.com
Betsy Korbinyr | Mixed 2D |
Jolene Kornely | Jewelry | sundstromjewelry.com
McKenna Kornowski | Mixed 2D | mckennakornowskiart.com
Pete Kornowski | Painting | petekornowski.com
Cynthia L. Koshalek | Jewelry | facebook.com/Artzy
Edmund Kowieski | Photography |
April Krause | Ceramics | apclay.art
Pat Kroth | Fiber | krothfiberart.com
Samantha Krueger | Painting | SamanthaKruegerArt.com
Doug LaCount | Wood |
Jacob LaFave | Mixed 3D |
Amy Lane | Fiber |
Lisa Lang | Ceramics | lisalangpottery.com
Amanda Langer | Mixed 3D & Sculpture | amandalanger.art
Tom Lazar | Photography | lazarart.com
Lisa Lee | Mixed 2D | tincatstudio.com
Randy Lee | Mixed 2D | tincatstudio.com
Xao Yang Lee | Fiber |
Adam Lefebvre | Ceramics |
Liz Lewandowski | Ceramics |
Andrew Linderman | Ceramics | lindermanpottery.com
Steven P. Lindholm | Jewelry | spldesigns.com
Linda Lindner | Ceramics | tddesigngroup.com
Tab Link | Ceramics | tablinkhandworks.com
Brady Lueck | Sculpture | sculpturalsteel.com
Erin Lueck | Graphics | onthecrawfishstudio.etsy.com
Anna Lutz | Ceramics |
Erin Lynn | Painting | 2ndstarstudios.com
Bettina Madini | Fiber & Painting | bettinamadini.com
Renee Maier | Sculpture |
Kate Marotz | Ceramics | marotzceramics.wixsite.com/my-site
Audrey Martin | Painting | audreyscanvasparties.com
Patty Martinson | Fiber |
Katie Martz | Wood | odonatawoodworks.com
Maron Massey | Painting | maronmassey.com
Nancy Mather | Mixed 2D | facebook.com/NLMmixedmedia
Lisa Mathy | Mixed 2D | etsy.com/shop/DahliaDecorify
Eileen McDaniel | Ceramics | oakhavenpottery.com
Tyler McGeary | Fiber | themadpatcher.org
Rachel McKinney | Ceramics |
Ashley Megal | Graphics | ashleymegal.com
Terry Meyer | Painting | terrymeyerfineart.com
Dave Miess | Photography | davemiess.com
Charlotte Fung Miller | Painting | cfungmiller.com
Christi Miller | Mixed 2D | depart-reality.com
Matt Miller | Painting |
Steve Miller | Jewelry | etsy.com/shop/MetroGlyphs
Suzanne Miller | Mixed 3D | greenchicksstudio.com
Sue Moberly | Jewelry |
Nadine Mobley | Mixed 3D | auntiemscreations.com
Adam Moke | Painting | adamofmadison.com
Madeline Mongan | Mixed 2D |
William Monroe | Photography | secondnaturephotography.com
Tori Morgan Nagel | Jewelry | toristrinketshop.com
Margit Moses | Jewelry | facebook.com/margitsjewels
Mark D. Mueller | Graphics | muellerartgallery.com
Miguel Munoz | Painting | miguelmunnozart.com
Miguel Munoz Cruz | Painting | miguelmunnozart.com
Mike Murray | Photography | northsandphotography.com
Leonard Nagler | Painting | lennynaglerart.com
Ashley Neary | Fiber |
Paul Nelson | Mixed 2D | psnelson.com
Christine Neuman | Painting | artisticmuralsllc.com
Rebekah Nicholas | Ceramics | rlnicholas.com
Carolina Niebres | Ceramics | facebook.com/carolinashealingvessels
Kayla Nolan | Fiber |
Joan North | Jewelry | joannorthdesigns.com
Scott Obernberger | Ceramics | twicebakedpottery.com
Shawn Olmstead | Wood |
Dan Ott | Mixed 2D | danottart.com
Susan Otterson | Fiber |
Kristen Pacini | Painting | theartcratewi.com
John Pahlas | Sculpture | john-pahlas.com
Adam Pankratz | Painting | adampankratzart.com
Mary Paul | Photography | acutehare.com
Kaethe Paynter | Glass | etsy.com/shop/sleepycatstudioarts
Matthew Perrin | Fiber |
Sue Perse | Photography |
Luis Pesantez Tello | Jewelry | intifairtrade.square.site
Jennifer Peters | Photography | jenniferpeters.net
Eric Peterson | Wood | edpdesigns.com/MFA.html
Tory Phippen | Mixed 3D | leaningdoodle.co
Stanley J. Piepenburg | Graphics | piepenburgart.com
Tad Pinkerton | Wood | thinkpink.com/tad
Ann Prey | Jewelry | annpreyjewelryssl.com
Kristin Quackenbush | Glass | kristinqglassart.com
Julie Raasch | Jewelry | aisthetajewelry.com
Steven Ralser | Photography | 4lakesphoto.com
Jackie Ramin | Jewelry
Rick Raschick | Ceramics
Jan Raven | Jewelry | janraven.com
Liza Redlin | Mixed 3D | instagram.com/mketerrarium
Lynette Redner | Painting | rednerart.com
Amy Regutti | amyreguttiart.com
Brian Reinholtz | Jewelry | brdiamondsuite.com
Wendy Reiter | Jewelry | oliannajewels.etsy.com
Sara Rezin | Glass & Jewelry | etsy.com/shop/rezinstudios
Breanna Richard | Fiber | woolypawsknitting.etsy.com
Ben Richgruber | Glass | pecostudio.com
Susan Richter-O’Connell | Jewelry | susanrichteroconnelljewelry.com
Tony Riel | Painting | tonyrielartstudio.com
Domo Geshe Rinpoche | Mixed 2D | white-conch.org
Christopher Robleski | Photography | theflashnites.com
Katie Robleski | Photography
Rick Ross | Painting | summitartstudio.com
Baiba Rozite | Ceramics | PotterybyBaiba.com
Daniela Rumpf | Ceramics | uphamstreetpottery.wordpress.com
Kim Russell | Graphics | russellworks.com
Greg Sack | Ceramics
Denise Saffran | Mixed 3D
Hosseinali Saheb Ekhtiari | Ceramics | hosseinali.com
Jackie Sanders | Graphics | jackiesandersphotography.com
Pete Sandker | Painting | psandker.com
Hannah Sandvold | Mixed 2D
James Sauer | Sculpture | sculptureillusions.com
Riley Scharnek | Jewelry | shopthehavencompany.com
Jill Schienle | Jewelry | jillschienle.com
Taylor Schiffer-Jander | Mixed 2D | risingmoonstudio.art
Thomas Schlenker | Mixed 3D | TomSchlenker.com
Becky Schmidt | Painting | blschmidt.com
Babs Schnabl | Mixed 2D | windowstothegarden.com
John Schneider | Painting
Rachel Schneider | Fiber | instagram.com/rachelschneiderweavings
Vernor Schneider | Painting
Cora Schomburg | Fiber
Geri Schrab | Painting | gerischrabstudio.com
Emily Schroeder | Painting | emilymariewatercolors.com
Bryan Schultz | Fiber | obscurebelts.com
Rachael Schultz | Jewelry | oreblram.com
Deena Schuppe | Ceramics
David Sear | Painting | davidsearart.com
Miguel Serna | Sculpture | modernmetalcreations.com
Kerri Shannon | Jewelry | kshanjewls.com
Meghan Sheahan | Jewelry | msheahanstudio.com
James Shulkin | Mixed 3D
Liandra Skenandore | Fiber
Warren Slocum | Glass | frontiernet.net/~dooda
Jacob Souik | Mixed 2D
Paula Sparks | Jewelry | paulasparksjewelry.com
Tara Sperzel | Jewelry
Steven Standish | Wood | cherrytreewoodworks.com
Francis Stanton | Graphics
Angela Steenhagen | Jewelry | steenhagenstudios.com
Alex Stehle | Wood | stehlewoodworking.com
Katie Stephenson | Painting | katiejstephenson.com
Rachelle Stracke | Mixed 2D | info91651.wixsite.com/rachellestrackeart
Justin Straub | Glass
Roger Straw | Jewelry | facebook.com/cagansh12
Ken Swanson | Graphics | etsy.com/shop/kenswanson
Brian J. Swiersz | Jewelry
Joseph Taylor | Wood | jobiopen.wix.com/joseph-taylor
Bernie Tennis | Graphics | bernietennis.com
Char terBeest-Kudla | Fiber | helensdaughters.com
Rich Theobald | Mixed 2D
Christopher Timberlake | Jewelry | cttjewelry.com
Patty Tiry | Jewelry | tiryoriginals.com
Raisa Torres | Painting
Stephanie Umenhofer | Fiber | etsy.com/shop/SimplyComplexArtShop
Ruth Vander Horck | Ceramics
Christine VanSickle | Mixed 2D | easttwinarts.com
Lana Vosk | Fiber | lanavosk.com
Steve Wagner | Painting | wagnercolor.com
William Waite | Wood | puzzlemist.com
Dan Walker | Ceramics |
Heather Wallace | Painting | heatherlwallace.com
Lynda Wallis | Jewelry | lyndawallisartistmaker.com
Kaitlin Walsh | Painting | lyonroadart.com
Jon Walton | Photography | primelight.org
Karen Watson-Newlin | Painting | karenwatsonnewlin.com
David Weasler | Sculpture |
Bill Weber | Glass | rlwglass.com
Rebecca Weber | Glass | rlwglass.com
Amy Weh | Mixed 2D | mosaicweh.com
Sarah Weh | Fiber | facebook.com/sjwhomemade
David Wheaton | Painting |
Kathleen Murphy Willer | Mixed 2D | kathleenmurphywiller.com
Kim Wilson | Jewelry | kimwilsondesigns.com
Annette Wimmer | Graphics | dragonmar.com
Kimberly Witte | Painting | witteartistry.com
Taylor Witthuhn | Digital Media | linktr.ee/flowercactusstudio
Anna Woletz | Photography |
Yuliya Wolf | Fiber | wolfleathers.com
Hannah Wong | Jewelry | hrsdesigns.com
Ann Wydeven | Ceramics |
Xizhou Xie | Jewelry & Mixed 2D | xizhouxie.com
Mark Zanowski | Painting | markzanowski.com
Missy Ziebart | Ceramics | instagram.com/pepperedfoxstudios
Become A Member
Whether or not you choose to participate in our fairs, there are many ways membership in our organization can benefit you. Members are welcome and encouraged to participate in any of our workshops and may occasionally be asked if they are interested in exhibiting at any of our public art showings.
Because we are primarily a volunteer organization, any contribution of time and/or energy that you care to make will be sincerely appreciated and is a great way to get to know other members with interests similar to yours.
You do not need to be a member to apply to the Art Fair Off the Square or the Winter Art Fair Off the Square. Membership fees are included with AFOS/WAFOS application fees.
WAAC memberships run March 31 to March 31.